Although he’d caught plenty of big bream over his years, a fish over 18lb had eluded Zenon Bojko until a recent session when he slipped the net under this huge 18lb 3oz fish.

Targeting a gravel pit near his home where he’d had good fish in the past. Zeno fished at 40 yards out and introduced mixed particles with a wafter over the top. It wasn’t long before he had a tentative bite and wondered if a roach was the culprit. But, when he lifted the rod, Zenon was met with solid resistance and soon landed a bream of 15lb 8oz.
The rest of the day and night passed without indications, so the following morning Zenon introduced more bait, hoping to draw another bream in.
After a timid bite, he landed the fish he really wanted, this bream weighing 18lb 3oz.
Well done Zenon!