Wayne Swinscoe’s Whiteacres Festival Success

Wayne Swinscoe has sent us some details on his successful recent trip down to Whiteacres for a Winter Festival.

Wayne enjoyed five days of great fishing, starting on day 1 on Pollawyn lake’s peg 28 where he caught roach and skimmers for 28 lb 12oz and a section win! All on the pole at 5 and 13m with casters, worms and groundbait.

On day 2 Wayne drew on Python Lake peg 14, and again went on to win his section fishing long pole at 13 metres with casters and worms, and then 16m with sweetcorn, catching mostly Skimmer Bream and F1 carp.

Day 3 was going to be more tricky on Twinoaks lake peg 33” explained Wayne. “F1 carp were the order of the day and I managed to catch 15, plus some roach for 35 lbs and 2nd in the section. Day 4 was the day of the gales so a nice draw out of wind was imperative – it didn’t happen and I struggled catching 19lb of roach and F1s on waggler and maggot for a section 5th”.

On the final, 5th day Wayne was pegged on Jenny’s lake and needed a good draw to try and win his section. He got peg 4 – not bad thought Wayne as he had open water and waggler and corn was his method! He ended up with 35 F1s and the odd Tench for 45lb and the all important lake win.

This gave him a final result of three section wins and a 2nd – giving him 2nd place overall!

Wayne can be seen above in one of the brilliant new generation Drennan Jackets, for full details click here.