Specimen Chub From The River Wear

Simon Ashton has caught a lifetime best 6lb 3oz chub from the River Wear in Durham.


“After locating a few chub with one proper lump among them I decided to return the very next day to see if I could tempt the big ‘un,” Simon tells us. “I fed the swim at range with hemp and maggot for 30 minutes, little and often, without casting. Then, after what seemed ages, I couldn’t hold back any more!

“It only took five trots before the float dipped and the biggest chub I’ve ever hooked made a desperate bid to find the far bank. A few minutes later, after a couple of heart-stopping moments I eased her over the landing net head!”

“After two weigh ins I settled on 6lb 3oz and a 20-year wait for a 6lb chub was mine! It’s the first big chub I’ve had since the ‘black death’ decimated the river’s rich dace and roach stocks eight years ago.”

Simon’s handsome fish was banked using 3.3lb Float Fish line with a size 20 Maggot hook and double white maggot hook bait. His “old-faithful” 15ft Matchpro Ultralight was used to control a straight Crystal waggler down the swim.