Scott Sheperd 5lb 7oz Perch

After spotting a large perch in the margins of a southern stillwater, Scott Sheperd returned with the float rod and and wasn’t left disappointed as he landed this stunning 5lb 7oz perch.
He’d seen the fish patrolling a weedbed and was up at first light to try and catch it. Having located it, Scott noted that the fish was very mobile, so he tried to be as stealthy as possible, following its movements, and casting at it on route. But every time it neared his maggot hookbait, the fish swam straight past it.

Running out of time and having to head home for work, Scott made one last cast and was amazed to see the fish take his bait right away. It didn’t fight initially, but suddenly woke up and bolted for a weedbed. With steady pressure, he eased the fish out on a 4lb hooklink and size 16 hook and was delighted to slip the net under the mint-conditioned fish.

Well done Scott!