The Series 7 Puddle Chucker 11ft Method Feeder is slightly more powerful than the 11ft Carp Feeder.
This model had everything required to cast a range of bombs and feeders while retaining enough sensitivity and forgiveness to play and land hard-fighting carp without problems.
Loaded Method feeders can, but not always, weigh a significant amount and to be able to cast these effortlessly and with accuracy a rod with more power is needed. If a rod is over-gunned it might cast feeders very well but can cause problems when playing the fish with hook pulls and line breakages the most common. Therefore getting the balance right between the two characteristics is important.
Suggested reel lines are in the range of 4lb to 8lb with hooklengths matched accordingly. Supplied with slow taper glass quiver tips of 2oz and 3oz which are ideal for the positive tactics associated with fishing the Method and big feeders.
At 11ft it is the most popular length, being short enough to tuck the rod tight to the bank and long enough to help with both playing fish and casting accuracy.
This two-section rod can be made up ready for use, folded and stored in its own padded rod sleeve, which is supplied as a standard. The rod sleeve has a small upper internal pocket to hold the spare quiver tips and the whole thing comes complete with three neoprene straps to help keep everything together.On the outside is a clear pocket containing a number of white waterproof labels so you can clearly mark what the rod is set up for.
On the outside is a clear pocket containing a number of white waterproof labels so you can clearly mark what the rod is set up for.