Phil Smith’s Scottish Specimen Roach Brace!

Coventry’s legendary specimen angler Phil Smith with one of his recent Scottish Specimen Roach brace for 5lb 14oz – deservedly winning a weekly Drennan award in Angling Times!

Phil made the considerable effort to travel up to modern giant roach mecca, and stunningly picturesque Lochnaw Castle Loch in Scotland.  Phil found conditions quite challenging, with not only the mud and rain to contend with, but incredible amounts of weed present rendering large expanses of water unfishable (see Phil’s picture of one of his swims).    Phil was able to locate a limited clear area amongst the thick weed in which he was able to efficiently present his rigs.

During the course of the trip took a huge number of Roach from tiddlers upwards, capped by a magnificent brace of 2lb 14oz and 3lb exactly!  Phil wisely split his tactics between maggot feeders on one rod, and bigger baits (10mm boilies and artificial corn) on the other – and it was the larger baits which ultimately fooled the specimen Roach.

Hardware included Drennan Medium Feeder rods fitted with 3oz tips, and on the maggot feeder set-up, 3 inch Fluorocarbon hooklinks set up helicopter style, to a size 18 Super Specialist hook.  With the bigger baits a Size 10 Carbon Chub hook was substituted.

For full details on the current Matchpro Medium Feeder 12ft rod, click here.

Check out Phil’s excellent fishing blog at:-