Perch & Chub On Drennan Barbel Hooks

Oliver Jenkinson has had two impressive captures that prove our Drennan Super Specialist Barbel hooks are far more versatile than their name might initially suggest!



“The chub weighed 6lb 5oz and was caught on meat while out targeting barbel and chub one evening,” he explained. “Due to the thick weed and snags in the river, I opted to fish 12 inches of 15lb ESP Two Tone braid for my hook link, tied to a size 6 Drennan Barbel hook. The chub put up a great scrap. When I first hooked it and it charged off down the swim I actually thought it was a barbel!

“The perch weighed 3lb 4oz and was caught while out live-baiting for perch. I spotted the big fish sitting over on the far side of the river in the clear water, next to a bush, and free-lined a small lip-hooked dace past it on a size 7 Drennan Barbel hook and it couldn’t resist it. It put up a great scrap on my light lure setup!”