Having spent many hours perch fishing on his local Great Ouse, getting to grips with targeting the species on a huge midlands stillwater has been a challenge for Adam Riches, but his efforts paid off with this 4lb 14oz specimen. It’s his joint PB and is a fish that continues… Read more
Dan Woolcott 3lb 1oz Roach
They say that confidence is key in fishing, and Kent ace Dan Woolcott’s must have been be sky-high after he landed this beautiful, a 3lb 1oz roach, just weeks after landing the grayling of a lifetime. Targetting a southern pit, Dan presented a maggot feeder at 60 yards out over… Read more
Andy Moss 8lb 10oz Chub
“Maybe 20 minutes later the tip bounced back and just kept bouncing. I struck swiftly and connected with a solid resistance..” We’ve all got an item of tackle that gives us a little confidence boost when used, be it a certain rod or even a landing net. This can be… Read more
Stephen Dewhurst 3lb 1oz Grayling
After spotting a large grayling patrolling close to the bank under a willow tree, Stephen Dewhurst employed a tactic rarely seen in modern fishing to catch it. Stret-pegging involves fishing a float well overdepth on a river, allowing a hookbait to be fished almost static or tantalisingly eased through the… Read more
Top 10 finish for Dean Barlow
World pairs with my partner Steve Fleming. World pairs day 1 drawn Kiladeas peg 8 had some big Hybrids and a few roach for 14.5kg quit happy with that from that peg!! Flemo was the wrong end of his section and had 5kg. All still to play for. World pairs… Read more
James Benfield 17lb 6oz Barbel
A trip to the Warwickshire Avon paid off in style for Gloucestershire angler James Benfield, who landed this 17lb 6oz fish alongside two other doubles. Usually, James fishes the lower Severn – which is incidentally the venue he caught his 21lb 5oz British Record zander from – but on this… Read more