Mike Davidson’s Gorgeous Specimen Rudd

Drennan’s South-East Area Representative Mike Davidson with a truly gorgeous specimen Rudd from the Fens!   Mike travelled up there for a few days fishing recently and landed a whole number of quality fish, topped by this pristine 2lb 7oz example.

All were caught on a Drennan Matchpro Ultralight 14ft and FD 3000 reel loaded with 3lb Supplex mono.  Mike found the best float for the job was a number 13 unloaded Puddlechucker as these didn’t dive too deep in the crystal clear water on casting. Bait was large lumps of bread flake mounted on a Specimen hook of size 8 or 10.

For full details on the superb Matchpro Ultralight 14ft rod as used by Mike (and hundreds of other top anglers!) click here.