Like many anglers this winter, Matthew Bevan has struggled to fish his local rivers due to the floods. But, with conditions looking perfect as the season drew to a close, he landed this immense 17lb 4oz zander.

In the powerful flow, he opted for a ShadTeez lure mounted on a 50g jig head that he planned to vertically jig tight to the deck. 15 minutes in, Matthew had a ferocious take and struck into a fish that hooped his rod over, giving violent head shakes. He knew it was something big, and slowly managed to ease it towards the boat. After a few lunges back down to depths in the coloured water, Matthew finally saw a huge zander surface.Measuring 93cm, the fish smashes his previous PB. Matthew doesn’t mind admitting that he shed a tear of joy at what had just happened.
Well done Matthew!