Matt Fernandez 16lb 12oz Bream

A ‘leviathan’ in the dark!
Arriving at a big pit in his home county of Hampshire, Matt Fernandez, spotted several bream rolling on the back of the wind. With nobody fishing that area, he quickly barrowed his kit round and found a spot big enough to fish two rods on. Introducing 10 spombs of 6mm pellet and 12mm boilie, he cast two heli-rigs with dumbbell boilie hookbaits tipped with buoyant corn.

After a long, sleepless night, filled with anticipation, around 5am he received a massive drop back and connected with what was clearly a heavy fish. Slipping the net under what Matt describes as a ‘leviathan’ in the dark, that spun the scales round to 16lb 12oz. It’s his new PB and a hard-earned fish from a tricky pit.