Matt Adams 1lb 3oz Dace

This season has already been a memorable one for big dace captures, but the biggest yet has just been landed after Matt Adams banked this fish of 1lb 3oz.

He was fishing the Dorset Stour on a spot he knew had form for the species, as well as big roach. After setting up stick float and waggler rods to allow him to adapt his presentation should the flow change, he spent time spraying maggots into the swim. On just his third run through on the waggler he hooked what he initially thought was a big roach, but after a dogged fight, he had the biggest dace he’s ever seen resting in his landing net.

When the needle of his scales swung round to 1lb 3oz – just 2oz off the current British Record – it marked a landmark for Matt, with this capture meaning he’s had dace over the 1lb mark from three different southern rivers.

Well done Matt!