Matchman Bags French Sturgeon

Mick Denton has returned from a trip to France with several specimen-sized fish under his belt, including this exceptional sturgeon!


Mick is normally an out-and-out match angler who fishes for Drennan Oxford, but couldn’t turn down the chance of some specimen action when offered a trip to France. Not forgetting his roots, his Acolyte Carp pole was also loaded into the van in anticipation of some daytime fishing on the pole. Although the pole fishing sport wasn’t hectic, Mick landed several good fish, including catfish, roach, perch, tench and a surprise eel.

He also managed to smash four new personal bests on the trip, as he caught common carp to 25lb, mirror carp to 28lb 4oz, catfish to 28lb 4oz and this lovely looking sturgeon at 43lb. Well done Mick!

Mick is pictured wearing his Drennan Match Clothing, which more than stood up to the weather and looks the part as well!