Martin’s Specimen Dace on the Drennan Bomb Rod!

Martin Bowler sent us this lovely photo of a specimen Hampshire Avon Dace, weighing 13oz, caught recently.

Martin used an 11ft Drennan Bomb rod to fish a very light split shot paternoster rig with a 1lb 14oz hooklength and a size 18 Kamasan B520 baited with red maggot.

A rod with a fine sensitive tip is essential. Over the years I reckon one in particular has been the only tool for the serious Dace angler, an 11ft Drennan Bomb rod, and I can’t see that changing anytime soon” said Martin.

The new Drennan Ultralight Bomb/Feeder 10ft to 11ft rod is perfect for this job! Click here for full details.