Mario’s Italian Barbel on Matchpro Medium Feeder Rod

Thank you to Mario Edoardo Tomatis from Milan in Italy for sending this picture of a Barbel from the River Po near the town of Spinadesco.

Mario used a Drennan Matchpro Medium Feeder rod to cast an Oval Blockend Feeder on Milo Special Fortress 0.20mm 4lb Line, with maggots as hookbait on a size 10 Super Spade hook.

Mario is a passionate Italian coarse angler and particularly likes Drennan tackle!

In my fishing time I use your hooks, floats, feeders, line, rods and reels that have allowed me to achieve significant catches of Barbel, Bream, Chub and other species” he told us.

Check out his excellent blog site via the link below:-

For full details on the Drennan Matchpro Medium Feeder rod click here.