Loafer And Corn Fools Huge Grayling

Dean Derbyshire enjoyed a catch of a lifetime while targeting grayling on the River Frome in Dorset.


Starting the session off with a maggot feeder, it only took a few minutes before his quivertip swung round and he was soon looking down into the net at a 3lb 2oz grayling – a huge grayling by anyone’s standards and a fish of a lifetime!

After that initial bite, Dean struggled the rest of the morning with only a few small fish up to 8oz to show for his efforts. Then, just as the heavens opened in the afternoon, he was rewarded with yet another huge specimen, this time a fraction bigger at 3lb 3oz!

The downfall this time was a single piece of corn presented on a size 12 Drennan Super Specialist hook which was trotted through the swim under a Drennan Loafer float.

“Drennan Loafers are perfect for a River like the Frome. They are unob­trusive and their buoy­ancy offers excel­lent vis­ib­ility in tur­bu­lent water, making these my favourite choice when trotting for grayling,” Dean explained.

This fantastic cap­ture earned Dean a weekly Drennan Cup award in Angling Times on the 13th of January.