John Hoyle’s Flyfishing Photos


Thanks to John Hoyle from Halifax for some interesting photos of fish caught in his native Yorkshire on some of the Drennan Fly Hook patterns.

John likes to use our old Dropgape Lure (for Perch flies) and Shrimp patterns (for Buzzers and Nymphs), and catches a whole range of species on the River Calder and the Hebble and Calder Canal – with even relatively small coarse fish such as the Roach pictured taking his nymph imitations.

I took up fly-fishing due to my love of river fishing at the end of last season, and so I could catch trout not on a maggot feeder, and understand the species a bit better” explained John, who is also a baliff for Ryburn & Halifax Angling Society.

Although the Drennan Fly Hook range has now discontinued production, we still have stocks of some patterns, which can be ordered for example through the Fly Tying Shop in Surrey.