James Crosby 22lb 1oz Barbel

The barbel British Record has been blown out of the water by this 22lb 1oz specimen, landed by James Crosby from the River Lea at Kings Weir!

It’s been an exceptional year for big fish, with several British Records already broken, however not many people would have believed that the River Lea would produce a new record, with most anglers putting their money on the River Trent due to its form over recent years.

This fish is 15oz heavier than Colin Smithson’s record of 21lb 2oz set back in 2019 from the River Rother. James used a paste-wrapped boilie fished on an 18-inch fluorocarbon hooklink. James has already started the process of making an official claim with the BRFC.

With it being so early on in the season, who knows who big this fish could grow to over the winter period?

Well done James!