The mighty flatbed method feeder has accounted for heaps of fish over the years, and whilst its more commonly found on stillwaters, Jack Jacura has demonstrated that it works just as well on a river whilst hunting down barbel as he banked this lovely 17lb 12oz specimen.

Jack has been having fantastic results with barbel on the Thames, having just landed this 17lb 12oz fish. In addition, he’s landed other large fish in recent weeks, including a 17lb 4oz specimen as well as a fifteen pounder, not to mention a handful of smaller ‘doubles’. Whilst keeping things simple, Jack opts to use a simple crumb groundbait with a boilie as hookbait.The biggest of his fish, a new PB, fell during a short overnight session from 10pm-2am. He had a small knock on the tip not long before he was going to pack up, which was followed by an almighty wrap-round. After a 25-minute battle, he slipped the net under the specimen.
Well done Jack!