Hemp And Caster Does The Trick

Darren Hague used hemp and caster tactics to fool no less than four double-figure barbel in one session on the River Trent, the biggest going 14lb 5oz.

Trent Barbel

The one pictured is the largest specimen caught that day and was backed up with three others going 12lb 7oz, 11lb and 10lb 3oz. “I also lost a very big barbel, which I think was larger than the 14lb 5oz fish,” explained Darren.

Drennan Oval BlockendAll the fish were caught using a 2lb Drennan Super Specialist Barbel rod, a large Oval Blockend Feeder and a size 12 Specimen Plus hook.

Oval Blockend Feeders are now made from even stronger materials for improved longevity and have a more streamlined, low profile. The flat lead base moulded into the feeders, ensures they hold their pos­i­tion in the cur­rent extremely well.