Without doubt The River Thames is right up there with Britain’s best specimen rivers, and 14-year-old George Lovell was one of the latest anglers to find out when he banked this lovely, 4lb 8oz perch.

Targeting a stretch in Berkshire, Reading-based George employed roving tactics, fishing several spots throughout the day that he baited with red maggot. In a swim near a lock where he’d lost a good perch last year, George float-fished a worm and maggot cocktail tight to the bankside wall. After seeing fry scatter, he shallowed up and cast into the fleeing fish, and it wasn’t long before a slow bite developed. After striking, chaos ensued, with what was clearly a huge perch charging upriver. Eventually, he got the fish under control, with it finally resting in the net. It’s George’s new PB, and a fish that many anglers would wait a lifetime for.
Well done George!