England Squads Announced

Several new faces join an extremely talented England Veterans squad heading to Portugal this year.

The England Veterans (from left): Joe Roberts, Roger Marlow, Danny Sixsmith, Steve Sanders, Mark Downes.

The 2015 FIPSed Veterans and Disabled World Coarse Angling Championships are to be jointly held on the River Sorraia near the village of Cabecao, Portugal on 5th/6th June.

It is a challenging venue with both barbel and bleak being major targets. It is also a venue that is familiar to a number of the England team, so they will be feeling reasonably confident of a good result.

This year’s England Veterans squad will be Steve Sanders, Joe Roberts, Roger Marlow, Danny Sixsmith and Mark Downes, with Dick Clegg as manager. Our congratulations to Drennan-backed Joe Roberts and Roger Marlow for once again making the cut.

The England Disabled team consists of Mick Cove, Alan Chadbone, Bull Galt, Gary Bull and Drennan Bordon’s Mark Eves, with John Weeden as manager.

We wish both teams the very best of luck!