Drennan’s Ian Brooker’s Huge Tench

Drennan’s Ian Brooker caught this huge Tench weighing 11lb 8oz on his last Tench session of the year, becoming his new PB for these red-eyed beauties!

Arriving at the lake early evening, conditions looked perfect with a nice warm wind blowing and overcast skies. After quickly finding an area of smooth silt around 40yds out and delivered 20 spods of mixed particles and Groundbait, he then cast out expecting for some action fairly quickly. However, after several hours and despite trying several different hook baits no action was forth coming that evening.

So deciding to wind in for the night, he set his alarm for 4am with the view of getting up and putting out a bit more bait, ready for the morning feeding spell.

The plan worked as this was the first of 3 fish taken that morning with all falling to artificial casters presented on a Super Specialist Barbel hooks alongside his usual In-Line Flat Method Feeder.

For more information on the Drennan In-Line Flat Method Feeder, click here.