Daniel Bouskila 6lb 2oz Eel

Over recent weeks, Daniel Bouskila has enjoyed some sensational eel fishing, landing two four-pounders. But a recent three-hour session saw those fish blown out of the water, when he banked this 6lb 2oz beast.

He’d arrived on a misty dawn at a southern gravel pit and found the swim fizzing with eel activity. A bolt-rig was his set-up of choice – a tactic that’s risen in popularity over recent years for eels, as it vastly reduces the chance of a deep-hooked fish.Using a 3oz inline lead, a short three-inch hooklink and a size 10 hook baited with a big lobworm, he targeted a spot by a marginal weeping willow. Shortly after underarming his rig out, his rod ripped off and he connected with what he instantly knew was a good fish.

A brutal fight followed, but eventually, he bundled the fish into the net. For a short morning session!

Well done Daniel!