Dan Woolcott is no stranger to big roach, especially over the past few months and his fine form continued as he banked this brace of 3lb 8oz roach and what a shot to capture the memory!

He told us “Fishing a low stock pit, I managed to catch four roach over the magical 3lb mark which comprised of two sets of twins. 3lb 8oz, 3lb 8oz, 3lb 2oz & 3lb 2oz. The fish came during a hectic early morning feeding spell and were all caught on double red maggot hookbaits over a bed of maggot, hemp, worm castings and Dynamite baits silver X groundbait. Having spent a number of blanks on the low stock water prior I was elated to bag these incredible fish and to get such lovely pictures during a beautiful sunrise was an added bonus. It’s a session that I will truly never forget.
Well done Dan!