On his final session after perch after leaving them to spawn, Leicester angler Craig Woolhouse hit the jackpot, landing this 4lb 14oz specimen from a local commercial.

He’s enjoyed a great few weeks after the species, landing a specimen of 4lb 6oz a few weeks ago, backed up by a few ‘threes’. On this occasion, the wining tactic was a four-inch roach deadbait, with the head snipped off for added attraction, tight to an island. To minimise resistance on a taking fish, Craig used a 1oz lead on a free running rig. A size 6 wide gape hook held his hookbait perfectly and ensured a firm hookhold in the perch’s bony mouth. The 4lb 14oz fish is Craig’s new PB, and he backed it up with another quality fish of 3lb 10oz.
Well done Craig!