Cheese Paste Fools Winter Barbel

Darren Hague from East Yorkshire had a nice surprise last weekend when this double-figure barbel fell for a cheese paste hook bait intended for chub.


“Its weight was 10lb 10oz and was caught while chub fishing on the River Trent,” the keen specialist angler explained. “But what makes this capture special was the river and air temperatures. The water was only 39ºF (4ºC) and the air temperature was 34ºF (1ºC). It was freezing cold and you’re not supposed to catch barbel when it’s as cold as this. It just goes to show you never know!

“I used a Drennan Super Specialist Duo 1.5lb rod (now discontinued but superb) with a 3oz carbon tip, 8lb Supplex reel line, 10lb ESP Sinklink braid and a size 8 ESP T6 Raptor hook.

“I started fishing at 4.30pm and the barbel was my first bite at 6pm, almost pulling my rod in. I also caught four chub to 5lb 12oz during the session, all on cheese paste. I finished at 11pm, wet and freezing, but well happy!”