Simon Ashton in search of a bumper Roach! “A rig overhaul completely transformed my roach fishing” Those were the words of Simon Ashton after a recent roach session. Simon explains “I’ve got complete faith in maggot helicopter-rigs for stillwater roach, but during my latest trip all I could catch using… Read more
The Avon Roach Project The Avon Roach Project was formed by Trevor Harrop and Budgie Price in response to the catastrophic decline of roach in the Hants Avon, confirmed in the EA fish stock survey of 2005 which revealed that the species was absent in many stretches and possibly already… Read more
Wiltshire based all-round angler, Mark Woodage kindly sent us this report from a recent session on the Hampshire Avon just before the end of the river season. How many of us ever stop and think about the quality of those minor items of tackle we use on a regular basis? A… Read more
A single maggot and a size 18 was the successful combination that Danny Taylor used to catch this superb 2lb 9oz roach from the Hampshire Avon. Adopting classic stickfloat and maggot tactics, the New Milton, Hampshire-based specimen hunter targeted the main river and a sidestream during a day session on the… Read more
An opportunistic session at the famous Royalty Fishery on the Hampshire Avon saw Terry Theobald land this impressive chub of 7lb 8oz. The Cardiff-based specialist angler decided to trot maggots under a 6.4g Loafer float, on 4.4lb Float Fish, with a 4lb hooklink and size 18 Super Spade hook, which… Read more
Another angler to smash his personal best was Darrel Hughes during a visit to the Hampshire Avon. He banked one fish and it also topped the scales at 16lb 8oz and was fooled with a paste-wrapped boilie that was coupled with a stringer of free offerings and in a swim… Read more