Two-time Drennan Cup champion Dai Gribble has accumulated the greatest tench haul of the season with eight fish for nearly 80lb – topped by an 11lb 2oz specimen. The Korum-backed ace banked tench of 9lb 6oz, 9lb 8oz, 9lb 10oz and three 9lb 13oz fish, not to mention doubles of… Read more
Just weeks after banking a stunning 12lb 2oz specimen, the Gardner Tackle-backed ace targeted a completely different southern Stillwater baited a 12ft deep marginal gully with maggot and hempseed. Little did he know he was about to enjoy the session of a lifetime… After having a good run of double… Read more
A FIVE year pursuit in search of a double-figure tench finally came to an end for James Champkin in the form of this superb 10lb 11oz specimen. The Angling Trust Campaigns Officer slipped the net under 18 tench during his trip to a southern gravel pit – which also produced… Read more
The Gardner-backed specimen ace targeted a large Southern Gravel Pit and found a 7ft-deep gravel hump in around 11ft of water at 20 yards out. The Gardner-backed specimen ace targeted a large Southern Gravel Pit and found a 7ft-deep gravel hump in around 11ft of water at 20 yards out…. Read more
Specimen tench fishing has shown no signs of slowing down this week after two 12lb-plus fish are reported to the Angling Times newsdesk. Angling Direct-backed Justin Grapes hooked into the larger of the two in the form of this 12lb 12oz beauty, taken during a four-day trip to Norfolk’s Bawburgh… Read more
Woking-based specialist angler Alan Rio recently enjoyed the session of a lifetime where he landed this stunning 11lb 15oz tench. Targeting a southern gravel pit, Alan spent two mornings walking the lake before finding a swim where he saw fish showing on a spot around 50 yards out. Arriving at… Read more