Drennan’s Jack Griffiths talks us through the recent White Acres festival which saw him finish 6th out of 90 anglers and meant he gained the bragging rights in the office! As White Acres Fisheries was a new venue for me I was lucky enough to get there a few days… Read more

‘After testing these Pencil type floats for a couple of years I have just got the finished floats that are now in the shops and I must say they are a great addition to my Drennan AS range.’ After testing these Pencil type floats for a couple of years I… Read more
Congratulations to Paul Yates for winning the 2016 Drennan Silverfish Festival at White Acres! This event is now in its third season at the popular Cornish holiday complex and saw 75 anglers taking part. This year there was a 13m pole limit and the fishery was also split into two zones. On Pollawyn,… Read more
Drennan Bordon’s Peter Kay reports back from another eventful week competing on the Pole Rigs Silverfish Festival at Stafford Moor. Well it was that time of year again to head off down to the lovely Stafford Moor in Devon in the delightful company of owners Paul and Jo for the… Read more
Silverfish on commercials have become a major target for Wayne Swinscoe lately. Here he explains the tackle and tactics he’s been using to great effect. Commercial silverfish matches now play a big part in my winter and springtime fishing… and I love ’em! I’ve been concentrating on these types of venues the last three winters, mainly because… Read more