Just eight weeks after having life-saving surgery, Chris Lowe kicked-off his autumn perch campaign and managed this superb 4lb 10oz stripey. The Shimano angler was fishing the River Thames and tempted the fish on lure tactics. He was targeting an area where there’s dense weed cover and was thrilled to… Read more
Lincolnshire angler Tom Peden recently caught what he describes as a ‘perch angler’s dream’ when he slipped the net under this immaculate fish of 4lb 8oz. It was caught on a misty morning from a shallow stretch of his local river, where he’d located a deep hole. Using a vintage… Read more
Last season Grafham Water was in blistering perch form, and it’s not taken long for its residents to start showing again after Alex Mason landed this fish of 4lb 13oz. He’d found a few perch shoals on the sonar, but the fish were proving hard to tempt. Changing to a… Read more
When most think of fishing in Scotland, it’s generally salmon, trout or grayling that come to mind but Scott Jose highlighted that the country has big potential with predators too, after landing this stunning 4lb 4oz perch. He’s been after a four-pounder for many years but had always fallen slightly… Read more
Fly fishing for predators has certainly soared in popularity in recent years, and whilst it’s mainly pike that are targeted on the tactic, Ryan Dolby proved that perch can be caught on it too after landing this specimen of 4lb 12oz. He was fishing at Grafham Water – a venue… Read more
After spotting a large perch in the margins of a southern stillwater, Scott Sheperd returned with the float rod and and wasn’t left disappointed as he landed this stunning 5lb 7oz perch. He’d seen the fish patrolling a weedbed and was up at first light to try and catch it…. Read more