The fish gave Steve an almighty battle, forcing him to jump into the lake to get on top of the eel as it charged over some shallows! Ask any big fish angler the ultimate challenge in specimen fishing, and they’ll almost undoubtedly tell you it’s catching a big eel. Species… Read more
Having heard that a few eels had been caught by carp anglers on a southern gravel pit, Cardiff angler Carl Golding headed down to investigate, and was rewarded with this 6lb 10oz specimen. He was fishing with Terry Theobald and the pair used feeder tactics, introducing chopped worms and maggots… Read more
Most big eels reported fall to legering tactics in the dead of night, but Dan Bouskila has just landed this 6lb 4oz whacker on the float during an evening session. He was targeting a southern gravel where he’d heard tales of large fish, and on previous sessions there had noticed… Read more
Love them or hate them, there’s something very special about eel fishing. Perhaps it’s the excitement of not knowing what’s in front of you, is there even an eel there? Or is there a beast? With the odds stacked against the anglers targeting them, credit must be given when a… Read more
Current Drennan Cup champion Simon Daley has really taken to eel fishing over the past few seasons, with this 7lb 4oz specimen being his latest reward. The venue had no history of producing eels until recently, when a carp angler caught one by mistake. Simon decided to give the venue… Read more
Paul Scowen is no stranger when it comes to fishing for eels, and this certainly served him well on a recent outing as he banked this lovely 5lb 14oz specimen. He told us “I’ve fished for eels for decades and my results over the years have shown that there’s a… Read more