Britain has been battered by various storms during the last few months of 2023, and as a result, some perfect big-barbel conditions had been kicked up. Two-time Drennan Cup champion Simon Daley was well aware of that and headed to the Thames as a low-pressure front rolled in with storm… Read more
Category: Barbel
George Batsford 17lb 6oz Barbel
Although the Kennet isn’t the premier barbel river it was once was, it still holds some superb fish, as George Batsford proved with this 17lb 6oz specimen. The Reading angler arrived at first light, keen to get out after some recent rain. He’d fished a few swims but struggled with… Read more
Chris Wilkes 17lb 10oz Barbel
Chris Wilkes came within 6oz of beating his barbel best, although he didn’t mind one bit, after landing this 17lb 10oz fish. It was caught from the lower Severn, which Chris found to be carrying lots of extra water. Given the conditons, he opted for a large piece of meat… Read more
Chris Nash 19lb 5oz Barbel
The River Trent is Britain’s most popular barbel river, but there are certain stretches better associated with match angling, such as at Burton Joyce. It’s where the RiverFest final is held, but Chris Nash highlighted its big barbel credentials when he landed this belting 19lb 5oz fish from there. … Read more
Duncan Hayward 19lb 4oz Barbel
Over 20 sessions and 100 hours on the bank were what it took for Duncan Hayward to land his second Thames barbel of the season, but his persistence paid off when it tipped the needle of his scales to 19lb 4oz. The Surrey angler was targeting a stretch where… Read more
Tony Kay 18lb 3oz Barbel
Tony Kay has enjoyed some superb sport on the Trent lately, landing over 20 double-figure fish topped by this 18lb 3oz warrior. The St Helens angler had enjoyed a memorable session a few weeks ago, landing 12 doubles topped by a 15lb 1oz fish that was just shy of… Read more