Specialist angler, Ryan Hayden spent a few hours on the River Thames yesterday evening targeting big roach and despite it being relatively clear he managed to land several decent roach to 1lb 11oz. Over the recent years, the River Thames roach have made a massive revival and most stretches are home to… Read more
Specialist angler, Ryan Hayden spent half the day searching for signs of big rudd and was rewarded with this stunning 2lb 1oz fish once he had located some around 4km from where he had started. “Typically after a week of hot, sunny weather with little wind, it all changed for… Read more
Ryan Hayden caught this lovely female tench at the weekend after preparing the swim for over an hour prior to fishing. The keen specialist angler revisited a small gravel pit at the weekend to fish for tench and was greeted with masses of weed covering the majority of the lake. He selected… Read more
Drennan’s Ryan Hayden was rewarded this weekend with a lovely brace of perch from the River Great Ouse after spending the day searching with lures. With the colour dropping out of the river, Ryan decided to give the lures a go in hope of locating a few big perch. “After a… Read more
Drennan’s Ryan Hayden landed three two-pound perch on a short session on the canal over the weekend using simple lure tactics. Ryan used a simple light lure fishing outfit consisting of E-Sox 7ft 6in Dropshot rod coupled with a Series 7 Float reel loaded with 8lb low diameter braid and… Read more