Lots of anglers dream of catching a big old pike so it’s no surprise Keith Wesley was left stunned when this 38lb esox hit the back of his net! He told us… “I was fishing a couple of day sessions with Martin Bowler and it was my only fish over… Read more
Freezing temperatures and high water levels wasn’t enough to stop predator angler Adomnicai Andrei fishing the River Trent and he was rewarded in style when he banked this lovely 15lb 2oz Zander! He told us “After a 6lb pike early on, I continued to fish through the cold. It was… Read more
With the rivers experiencing some of the worst floods we’ve seen for many years, fishing hasn’t been easy for any species.. However, specimen angler Phil Buckingham timed it perfectly on a recent session on his local River Lea when he banked this lovely 7lb 8oz chub. He told us “I’ve… Read more
“I was just thinking of packing up when the rod hammered round..” Darren Smith took advantage of a brief rise in temperatures on a local stretch the Hampshire Avon which resulted in this 16lb 10oz barbel for the specimen angler. “I arrived to find a swim which I had in… Read more
Heavy rain and strong winds are great conditions for barbel, and river-ace Simon Daley proved just why with the capture of this 17lb 3oz fish from the Hampshire Avon. Simon told us “I arrived to find both the river and water temperatures were rising so I introduced some bait before… Read more
“Perch are a species that I have had a love affair with for probably the past 8 years now and I’ve targeted them religiously for the last 6 winters..” Alfie Russel is no stranger to big fish but nothing could have quite prepared him for this 5lb 3oz specimen on… Read more