A switch from his usual match fishing paid off handsomely for Allan Howarth when he landed this immense 18lb barbel from the River Ribble. “The fish obviously took a liking to my paste wrapped krill dumbell hookbait which was fished with 4mm mixed pellet in the feeder. It put up… Read more
We all love a successful days fishing but what 13 year old Kyle Brayne experienced on a recent session can only be described as a proper red letter day. Targeting the middle Trent, Kyle went with local expert Robert Bown, who is good friends with Kyle’s dad. Robert explained “I… Read more
A few minutes in the right place is better than a whole day in the wrong.. The proof is in the pudding for Gavin Barrett who landed himself this stunning 7lb 12oz chub after only 10 minutes of his bait being in the water. Gavin told us “I arrived at… Read more
This lovely 2lb 10oz roach finally put an end to a 2 month campaign for London angler Adam Jones.. He told us “I was targeting a local river with my favoured stick float tactics with loose fed hemp and maggots. I’d been catching minnows and small dace and just as… Read more
“Suddenly felt a thump on the rod..” Robbie Northman banked himself a new personal best in the shape of this lovely 7lb 10oz chub on a recent lure session! He told us “Summer fishing is more commonly known as a summer tactic for chub and very few anglers target them… Read more
“I managed to maintain my nerves and she soon graced my waiting net..” We’re sure you’ll agree that catching a 3lb grayling is a great achievement, yet catching one from a river that’s not known for its big grayling is another level yet that’s exactly what Matthew Fernandez did when… Read more