Colin Smithson (60) banked it at 21lb 2oz from a Sussex river (we know which one, and which stretch, but have promised not to reveal as it was conditional on us getting to speak to the captor – under club orders) Colin Smithson (60) banked it at 21lb 2oz from… Read more
ANGLING DREAMS boss Adam Fisher recently swapped the beauty of the Wye Valley for the equally scenic River Test and was rewarded with this fine roach of 2lb 5oz. Fishing with Fisherman’s Blues, Nige Botherway, the pair shared a swim which required them to trot baits through a deep run… Read more
A pre-baiting campaign on his local River Itchen paid off handsomely for specimen hunter Roman Vann – when he put together an astonishing haul of roach to 2lb 5oz. Priming his swim with hemp for three days prior to his session, Roman waited until a low pressure front had moved… Read more
Trotting maggots between gravel bars on a stretch of the River Lea proved fruitful for Joe Royffe with the capture of this plump 1lb 8dr dace. The Hertfordshire specimen ace fed a small pinch of maggots on every trot through to ensure regular bites from roach and dace throughout the… Read more
WINCHESTER-based angler Aidan Bordiuk was left shaking with excitement when he netted this dream 1lb 1oz dace during a trip to a Hampshire chalk stream. After spotting a shoal of silverfish in clear water Aidan fed his chosen swim for half an hour to gain their confidence and received a… Read more
It wasn’t just chub that were up for a feed either as Dorset rod Alan Storey revealed when he banked a sublime 2lb 11oz 8dr roach. It wasn’t just chub that were up for a feed either as Dorset rod Alan Storey revealed when he banked a sublime 2lb 11oz… Read more