DEVON-based angler Rob Taylor said ‘he didn’t want the fight to end’ when he struck into this superb 2lb 15oz roach. The 61-year-old and his mate Ed trotted red maggots on a southern-chalk stream for a big fish and weren’t left disappointed when Rob’s rod arched over half-way through the… Read more
Fenland pike don’t get much better than this immense 32lb 8oz specimen landed by Cambridgeshire angler Richard Miller. Fenland pike don’t get much better than this immense 32lb 8oz specimen landed by Cambridgeshire angler Richard Miller. The fish brought an end to a 25-year quest for a Fenland 30 which… Read more
FEW ANGLERS have held a 30lb pike so when Alyssa Williams’ second cast of the trip produced this immense 34lb 14oz specimen she couldn’t believe her luck! The huge predator, which completely annihilated her previous pike best of 8oz, was tempted from Somerset’s Chew Valley Reservoir during a day session… Read more
MARK Everard’s decision to fish through howling 40mph winds, heavy rain and a rapidly falling temperatures paid-off superbly with the capture of this plump 1lb 2oz 8dr dace. Undeterred by the less-than-ideal conditions the University Professor trotted breadflake over liquidised bread on his local Bristol Avon to hook into several… Read more
A TWO-hour drive to the Hampshire Avon was ‘more than worth it’ according to Roy Jones who banked a 2lb 11oz roach during his latest visit. The Hertford-based artist float-fished maggots into an area of slack of water and enjoyed sport from small roach, dace and chublets throughout the day… Read more
A MATCH angler trying his hand at specimen fishing has hit the jackpot with the capture of a 3lb 7oz roach from a venue without previous history for the species. 35-year-old Tim Dabrowa had his mind set on catching a huge redfin from his home county of Cambridgeshire and believed… Read more