The early morning frost had been sent into retreat by a blanket of low cloud pushing across the land in a southerly direction and duly lifting the temperature by a couple of degrees. I had witnessed the subtle change first hand sitting patiently by the lake with 3 rods cast… Read more
Brian Hankin’s PB chub of 7 lb 10 oz caught from the upper Witham on Friday 6th December… ‘It was my first visit to the venue since March as constant high water had left the river unfishable for many weeks. After getting odd knocks in one swim I rebaited it with… Read more
After trekking 14 miles along a Scottish river Richard Wilby finally struck into the grayling of his dreams in the shape of this 50cm-long, 3lb 2oz specimen. The Norfolk-based specimen ace drove through the night to reach the Highland location and was duly rewarded with no fewer than 40 grayling –… Read more
“It was without doubt the best-looking perch I’d ever seen!” – these are the words of lure fanatic Chris Lowe who was left feeling delighted with the capture of a stunning 4lb 10oz specimen. “IT WAS without doubt the best-looking perch I’d ever seen!” – these are the words of… Read more
When it comes to barbel an 18lb fish is the holy grail, so you can imagine Robert Bown’s reaction when he landed this immense 18lb 9oz fish. After making the effort to fish a spot on the Trent further than his usual haunt, Robert was rewarded with the fish of… Read more
Simon Baker’s decision to sit in the dark for over an hour to pre-bait his swim with maggots worked an absolute treat, as he latched into this sublime 7lb 9oz chub just 20 minutes into fishing! It proved to be the 30-year-old’s third 7lb-plus chub of the season, with a… Read more