“I’ve been fishing the same spot on my local River Dearne for the last three seasons and over the last 11 sessions I’ve blanked… “Me and a mate decided on a three-hour evening trip on this occasion and were just about to leave when my rod screamed off with this… Read more
“It’s not every week you say you’ve enjoyed the catch of a lifetime but it finally happened to me during my latest visit to the Hampshire Avon. “Trotting flake over a bed of liquidised bread and hemp, it wasn’t long before I had my first roach of just over a… Read more
“For years I’d wanted to improve my Norfolk Broads pike best of 35lb 10oz and after hearing of a few thirties caught recently I knew I had a chance.” “My mate and I set up in a likely spot and i decided to fish with two rigs – one with… Read more
A 60th birthday trip to a southern chalk stream proved to be the perfect gift for Mark Pardoe, after banking this immense 3lb 8oz grayling. Arriving at the river with his son Harry, they found it running well above normal level, but the water remained clear. “We were full of… Read more
It’s not often that fish are compared to large animals, but Roman Vann’s 17lb 12oz barbel was so big that it reminded him of a horse! Roman was ‘absolutely confident of a bite’ on the River Thames as it fined down after a flood, but few things could have prepared… Read more
THREE really was the magic number for Adam Fisher who struck into this perfect 3lb 2oz grayling during his third cast on the third day in pursuit of a river specimen. THREE really was the magic number for Adam Fisher who struck into this perfect 3lb 2oz grayling during his… Read more