“When I first saw it I remember thinking: oh my god, that’s massive.” “I decided to spend the day on the River Nene but the weather was atrocious throughout the day thanks to storm Ciara, which dropped a deluge of rain and sleet on me – not to mention winds… Read more
“I couldn’t believe it – I saw its giant white belly and knew it was a special perch” “To get my fishing fix I’ve been nipping down to the Great Ouse before work and despite only fishing for an hour on each occasion, I’ve enjoyed the best perch sport… Read more
“Bang !!!! The tip wrapped round and the line starting stripping off the reel” “My names Ian Harvey. I’m from Stevenage. I caught a 7lb 15oz chub from the day ticket section of King Weir Fishery on the River Lea in Hertfordshire on Sunday 2nd February. This is the biggest… Read more
“I’ve fished the upper Lea a few times trying to catch whatever I could find but that was my first session intending solely to try and catch a donkey-sized chub!” “I finished work early(2pm) last Friday to beat the traffic for my 90 minute pilgrimage to the lower Lea. It was… Read more
“For more than 20 years I’ve been trying to beat my pike best of 21lb and it finally happened during my latest session” “It was a Friday and I arrived at my Essex syndicate after work and deposited three deadbaits at varying distances with my bait boat – one to… Read more
“I weighed it and just watched the needle on the scales go past the 16lb, 17lb, 18lb, 19lb and 20lb marks – I just stood there shaking” “I was fishing a slack in a weirpool on a middle section of the River Thames” “Been fishing this area with luncheon meat… Read more