“the bobbin on the same rod danced again..” “My mate messaged me a couple of weeks ago to say that he had a 2.13 roach from a southern pit which for the past 6 years I have had a ticket for, but not fished. I am usually in full predator… Read more
“the bobbin on the same rod danced again..” “My mate messaged me a couple of weeks ago to say that he had a 2.13 roach from a southern pit which for the past 6 years I have had a ticket for, but not fished. I am usually in full predator… Read more
“I looked down into the net and realised i’d caught a giant..” “Valentine’s Day is always a difficult day to go fishing and I wouldn’t like to push my luck with the wife, but this year when I rang my missus on the way home from work and she said… Read more
“I was about pack away when I bent into one final fish..” “I’ve spent the last three months in pursuit of a big dace and despite catching around a thousand in 30 short afternoon sessions across six Norfolk rivers, not one had been over the 1lb barrier. I could have… Read more
“For about 2 minutes this giant fish towed me slowly around the lake” “At heart I’m a kayak angler and I normally I’d spend my time fishing in the sea but with the weather being so terrible and conditions rough, me and a mate settled on lure fishing for pike… Read more
“I never thought I’d see a chub of that size in my life..” “I decided to target the Trent’s chub this winter hoping to beat my previous PB of 7lb 0oz, which I was lucky enough to have caught last winter. January and early February proved to be a very… Read more
“When this giant roach surfaced I just couldn’t believe my eyes..” “I’ve been waiting for the right conditions to target the big roach at Linear fisheries and with a big low pressure system arriving after a prolonged high, I knew that the time at come to finally have a go…. Read more