“After a long fight and about 3 final surges, I slipped the net under her” “I had been planning my last 2019/20 season trip to the Tidal for several weeks and was planning to head down for first light on the 12th and fish until close on the 14th. When… Read more
“I spent five nights leading up to the end of the closed season fishing my favourite stretch of the River Thames” “on the first four all I’d caught was a 1lb chub. It was now the evening of the final day of the river season and I finished worked at… Read more
“My roach fishing on the Hampshire Avon has been phenomenal this winter but my latest session has probably been the best yet” “On reaching the river I fed an area of slack water on my nearside bank with liquidised bread, crushed hemp and fine gravel mixed in to get the… Read more
“I instantly ran to the rod and with a sweeping strike I connected with a thumping, headshaking fish..” “I’d just set up in a swim on a Southern gravel pit when I was called over by another angler who asked me to take pictures of some big roach he’d just… Read more
“I can’t believe my PB perch only lasted just 2 weeks”.. ..”as today using a lure, I managed to catch a beast at 4lb 7oz – measuring at 49cm in length. The fish came out of Witham and a similar area to where I caught the 4lb 4oz perch a… Read more
“My heart started thumping when I weighed her..” “The Hampshire Avon has been flooded for the past month so my brother Paul and I fished the slower-paced mill stream next to it, thinking the roach may have pushed in there after the high water. I started on the float with red… Read more