“It fought like a tench too and kited about 20 yards before surfacing” “Here are the pics of my new perch PB alongside another four-pounder that was 1cm bigger than the 4lb 6oz at 50.5cm, but it looked spawned out! Both fish were caught from a northern 40-acre syndicate lake…. Read more
“As per the title this is a report of a 3lb 9oz roach caught from the Linear Fishery complex. It is my second largest roach behind one of 3lb 13 8dr, and the fourth different water where I have managed to exceed the magical 3lb mark. My tackle was… Read more
“The head shakes certainly weren’t from a small fish!” “After trying to get on the river zander fishing and continually getting flooded off or having to work when it was fishable, I changed focus over to pike. It’s a decision I’m now very happy with! I arrived at the lake first thing in… Read more
“I caught this cracking 17lb 5oz barbel on my first trip out fishing on the River Lea this season” “I only got my ticket a few weeks ago and was waiting for the ideal conditions which came just a few days before the end of the season. I used meat… Read more
“I’ve had a 15lb-plus barbel and a float-caught 8lb-plus chub on my bucket list for years” “In the last two weeks of the river season I’ve managed to achieve both! The 8lb-plus chub, (which went 8lb 1oz) came on the last day of the river season from the Dorset Stour…. Read more
“The fish immediately tried to head for a snag but was quickly turned with the rod tip held low” David Herrin 17lb 5oz Bristol Avon record barbel “I arrived at the river after finishing work early at around 4 o’clock. I settled into my first swim and cast out a… Read more