“The fish had a huge frame so heaven knows what it would have weighed with spawn” Jason Rodd managed to bank himself this beautiful 4lb 2oz crucian carp from Johnsons Lake in Surrey on a soon to be released bait from Hinders called Hybrid.
After capturing several fish to 2lb 10oz previous he was keen to get back.. Simon Baker had to wait until the recent unfavourable windy conditions had passed before he could make a return to the River Cam, after capturing several fish to 2lb 10oz previous he was keen to get… Read more
Continuing with the same trend of targeting specimen Rudd on the River Cam, Joe Royffe was rewarded with this pristine conditioned Leviathan of 3lb 3oz! Joe told us “Upon arrival at the venue, I was really doubting my sanity to begin with, as the conditions were terrible for surface fishing… Read more
This 18lb 12oz barbel was the biggest of seven-fish hit for Josh Carroll during a recent session at Bob’s Island in Newark, and it absolutely smashed his previous PB of 11lb 5oz. Josh successful tactics included PVA bags of pellet which were just nicked onto his fishmeal boilie hookbait. Josh… Read more
Charlie Coppolo finally managed his first night eel fishing of the season, and tried his luck on a new water, which as far as his research found had no history of eels whatsoever! Which incidentally is exactly what he look for in an eel water. Charlie told us “I’ve found… Read more
“Those dreams eventually came true and between 10am and 1pm I received three bites..” During a recent bream trip Trevor Pole was struggling to get past the weed in the lake but by using a small boat he managed to overcome the weed which resulted in a cracking 4 fish… Read more