Des Taylor is no stranger to landing big fish, and after receiving a tip off about some large roach he was soon on his way and this lovely 3lb 1oz specimen was the icing on the cake for his efforts. Des told us “People often ask me what the secret… Read more
Patrick Kyte made a last minute decision not to head for the River Trent in search of barbel, instead he decided to target his local River Ouse for chub and it certainly paid off! Patrick told us “I tried a roving approach and fished a few swims, catching one about… Read more
Mark Smith has fished the River Trent a handful of times but with no luck so far, but that was all about to change. Mark told us “I normally opt for the same peg which I really like the look of but because I had my friend Stuart with me,… Read more
“After a strong 30 minute battle in the dark she was mine!“ Adam Bassimeh has fallen victim to the signal crayfish on several occasions, whittling down his hookbaits to a crumb before a barbel has a chance to find it but a slight change has helped him catch the ‘greatest… Read more
“I could tell it was something big..“ An annual trip to the River Trent’s prolific Collingham Weir paid off in style for Neil Watson after he landed this 17lb 2oz barbel, a new personal best by 18oz! Neil told us “after a hectic 72 hour session the previous year, where… Read more
Colin Hebb couldn’t quite believe the size of the chub he landed on a recent River Trent session. Colin told us “I headed down to the trent and found a lovely looking swim with some nice overhanging bushes for cover. I started to bait up around 2pm but didn’t get… Read more