“It only takes one fish to make it all worthwhile..” Rui Pedro landed himself a new personal best barbel in the shape of this impressive 17lb 10oz barbel recently from the tidal River Trent. Rui tols us “this was quite a long session for me, it was actually my longest… Read more
Craig Hall managed this lovely brace of bream on a recent session on a southern stillwater. He told us “The weather was spot on for a bite and I was fortunate enough to land this lovely brace with the top one weighing 16lb on the nose and the other a… Read more
“By far the largest perch any of us had seen..” At last, after catching 15 perch over 4lb and three over 5lb from this southern Stillwater, Matt Atkins now have beaten the UK record! Matt told us “Myself and best friend and fishing buddy Chris Hewett were at the venue… Read more
“appeared from the murky water a big silver flash of a big zander showed itself..” A 15lb+ Zander has been the target for Sam Moore over the last few years and living only 5 minutes away from the banks of the Lower Severn gave him a very good chance of… Read more
2016 & 2018 Drennan Cup Winner Dai Gribble has been back out and getting amongst some big barbel with this stunning and new pb 17lb 4oz specimen his latest! Dai told us “During my latest trip to the River Trent I rediscovered the importance of carrying a variety of hookbaits… Read more
“I managed to turn the fish it came flying up to the surface..” Pre-baiting certainly paid off for Andrew Hodgson when he landed this 19lb 4oz barbel from the River Thames! He told us “The capture of the barbel started when a friend of mine caught his first ever barbel… Read more