Stockport based Mark Roberts hit the jackpot on a recent session to the mighty River Trent when he landed this impressive 19lb Barbel. He told us “I arrived to find it running clean, conditions were hardly ideal for barbel so a little change of tactics were required and it certainly… Read more
How about this for only your second ever pike hooked? Well that is exactly what happened for Calum Lonsdale who only started pike fishing at the back end of last season! He told us “I’m relatively new to pike fishing, In fact the first time I ever targeted pike was… Read more
It’s been a while since Mike Lyddon had landed a fish which left him ‘a gibbering wreck’ but that was the exact emotion he felt when he landed this 3lb 1oz grayling. Mike told us” I was trotting single grains of corn down a southern chalkstream on a size 14… Read more
The morning past without a knock but at 13:30 that all changed with my first bite which resulted in a small zed. The next bite came around 14:00 and was a more aggressive take. Martin Hague can normally be found targeting pike but recently he fancied a change and wanted… Read more
Robert Bown had a session to remember on the middle trent which resulted in his best result this season! Robert fed 3ft Twitch Redemption boilies little but often and it proved the downfall for this lovely 17lb 11oz barbel! This was followed up with a 14lb 11oz barbel and 2… Read more
“it woke up and I had to use every ounce on knowledge of the peg to try not to lose it in any snags..” With no match fishing allowed during the recent lockdown R.P.A match secretary Nathan Proctor took advantage of not having to organise local matches and instead, changed… Read more