Over many years of fishing on rivers such as the Great Ouse, I have been lucky enough to be able to watch barbel feeding up close and they definitely can see and do shy away from the hook in clear conditions. Many times when both fishing and filming underwater, I have seen… Read more
One of the most important features of monofilament is the stretch, and even more so with low diameter line such as Double Strength. Double Strength offers excellent strength to diameter ratios and it is important to keep as much stretch as possible by fishing directly to the hook. For example, when I… Read more
Large fast or flowing rivers can present their fair share of problems, one of them is how to keep your bait in place, especially when fishing over to the far bank. In this video, Martin Bowler demonstrates how can overcome the fast flow by paying out a big bow of line and… Read more
With the rivers now open here is a great little addition to your standard leger fishing setup. Weed and debris can cause problems when fishing on rivers at certain times, gathering around the lead and causing it to move out of position as the resistance builds up. On the rare occasion,… Read more
Location is key to success when the rivers first open in June so here are a few pointers on what you should look for. At the start of the new season, it is always worthwhile fishing in areas of increased flow and oxygen levels. Look for weirs or narrower sections where the flow… Read more
Over the next couple of weeks, tench will be at their biggest weight and my favourite approach for targeting them has to be with maggots, and plenty of them. On many venues, it is necessary to fish further out than what you could reach with the float, so I turn to… Read more