The upper Trent always starts off slow no matter what the conditions, the river was carrying 8 inches of extra water and looked good with a tinge of colour but the fish failed to show in any numbers. Leading the way with a comfortable win was Leicester veteran Graham Barry… Read more
Drennan Bordon have been crowned 2019 Winter League Champions! Drennan Bordon have been crowned 2019 Winter League Champions, beating the cream of the countries elite teams. With 30 teams taking part the jubilant Bordon team took the title in style with an impressive 12 penalty points on the Fenns plus… Read more
Alan Scotthorne – Lindholme midweek Winter Feeder League I have just finished fishing the Lindholme feeder league run by feeder fishing guru Nick speed on a Tuesday. A competition that has slightly different rules to the normal feeder fishing matches that just allow all bait to be fed via a feeder…. Read more
Alan Scotthorne runs through his latest two-day festival at Lindholme Lakes. I have been fishing regular matches at Drennan Lindholme Lakes, something that I don’t usually have the luxury of, due to other commitments. With no league matches on the canal at Thorne this year, I decided to fish the… Read more
This year’s Ben Randall Memorial match held at Meadowlands saw a great turn out and saw many anglers catch plenty of fish, despite the conditions. Paul Newell won the match with a weight of 33lb which consisted of bream and a couple of large roach. He started the match at… Read more
The second round of the Angling Trust Oxford Winter League was fished by six teams of eight on a very low and clear River Thames at Medley and Folly. Once again the river has fished brilliantly, with double figures required to win each section. 1st: Dave Kirk (ISIS) – 25lb… Read more